Just a quick post and I took the decision to see what I actually have inventory wise. I kinda feel this pic is a bit like the images of fighter jets with there full payload laid out in front of them and something I use to take great interest when I was in my teens but now I am going to take each box and lay out and inventory everything that I have. I am then going to sell all the stuff I am not going to use and hope to get enough to fund a new lathe, or airbrush or maybe if I am really lucky both.
I think it may give me the opportunity to sort all of it out as at the moment I have no idea what is where and I keep thinking ‘oh where’s so and so’ and not finding it/them and then going out and buying another. So there are many duplicates and although this is a good thing at the moment I really want to stop slapdash purchasing. Case in point (pun intended) I was hoping to start my 2mmfs wagon kit, but like hell can I find the broaches I brought for similar process. So before I hit the buy online button I am going to make sure I can’t find them first.
As you will see there is quite an eclectic selection of 00 – early BR loco and wagons; N – BR Blue and mixture of everything between that and big four; N – US all North Eastern; Z – Swiss (my fav box set), and US – CP; NG in the form of HOm and 009 and lots of other bits such as point motors and my SPROG. Anyway enough for tonight.
Fun picture. Yup, that collection reminds me the outcome I see when I’m off looking for something in my own home hobby shop. Two years of aggressive pruning have cut it back.
I saw a SPROG in the photo. I have a Raspberry Pi and have read that it could be used as the brains of a DCC system when coupled with a SPROG. Have you ever had a chance to try it and what were your plans for it?
My time has come Chris and over next couple of days the grim details will be laid bare 🙂
As for SPROG so far I have had it hooked up to my Air and use it directly to control layout/locos. The SPROG is great and am impressed with it and its ease of use. I too have a Pi and am looking at combining it and SPROG with a LEGO case to make and easily transportable control station. Added in the use if WiThrottle and idevice and thats a pretty compact setup. I am looking for a reasonable sized mini screen and I am also wondering whether I can power from battery supply to be completely self supporting but thats some way in the distance.
Geez, you’ve really caught my interest with that first paragraph. I’m looking forward to that next blog post.
That’s another strong vote in favour of purchasing a SPROG. A couple of layouts I regularly operate use DCC systems which allow one to drive using my iPhone. Being able to do this for the home layout is interesting to me and I can see buying one for myself.
Thanks for the thoughts.