Ever since being shown the Brighton Belle on its final run I have been interested in trains both real and model. I still have the Glass my father rescued from that trip and is a treasured memory. Then began a short but glittering career in trying to crash my brothers Hornby Hall off the oval table at home. Then until other things took over like girls, motorbikes and beer a long gap until I took up the hobby again.

My main area of interest are Swiss Metre gauge in any scale and 2mmFS, but I also have hankerings for 3mm, S Scale, and American HO and N. Should keep me out of trouble for a while.

I find myself mainly armchair or virtual modelling but plan to turn this round with the help of this blog. I’m hoping to show that with a spare 15 minutes some real life modelling can be achieved

I will be posting at least every week, every Sunday on the projects I am working on.

I can also be found at

YouTube: 15minutemodeller