Image of versions  of brick  build yard office
#131 Brick by Brick

As the snow falls around me and I sit sipping my cuppa tea, contemplating having to go out for my one hour of exercise, I think my modelling is similar in that I have to get myself “there” with all the procrastinating and friction but once I do the time drifts by in enjoyable dare I say it kind of meditation. I have been setting myself a goal of fifteen minutes a day and as of the 8th January, I have succeeded in doing that. Although sometimes I have footalled about tidying up or doodling on my iPad or paper, to me that is all hobby related. The more I sit there the more I will go and sit there!

In sitting down on these consecutive nights I have realised that I am not either happy with or have made mistakes that need addressing. Like any skill, it needs to be constantly flexed in order to keep it supple and strong and I see my modelling muscles having atrophied after years of neglect. In the words of a talented and respected modeller friend from years ago, he always said: “if you don’t like it just do it again!” Now I guess this can lead to perfectionitus, which is something I have suffered from in the past but now I am channelling that advice and with this simple build project there are a few wrong things.

I see it as improving my skills and concentration as the more times I do the task the better I will get at it. In this case, I hadn’t foreseen that putting it all together would have caused no end of difficulty putting on the brick paper. But in my mind, it would all go together swimmingly and would be perfection personified! Hmmm ok maybe not. But I am enjoying looking at the build and seeing where improvement can be made. Also, the act of learning is important and one doesn’t want to be making the same blundering errors every time one picks up the blade.

The line “You’ll always find me in the kitchen at parties” springs to mind but for me, it should be altered to “You’ll always find me at the modelling table at parties” ?

Until the next one…