fighting procrastination fifteen minutes at a time

Measure twice cut once

If only I had headed those words and not gone to B&Q without my backofanenvelope calculations which left me with ply cut short. However after a bit of head scratching and ponder and some tea drinking I realise that I could add on a section at the end. Due to the lightweightedness of the baseboard it shouldn’t be too much of a problem and with extra bracing for attaching to the main board everything should be rock solid!

However in the measuring fiasco it means that I will need to get some more ply for the top and so a trip out to the timber merchants on Monday for another sheet of 8×4 6mm ply. This does mean I have quite a lot left over! Do not be distracted, do not be distracted… repeat.



  1. chrismears

    Sorry to read about the required addition – on the other hand, it’s pretty neat to be required to extend the layout! The framing does look pretty sharp though. I really like the look of those Barry Norman-style girders.

    In terms of the plywood top, are you planning on one that completely covers the full layout surface or just the immediate trackbed?

    • 15minutemodeller

      Hi Chris, Yes the extra is only taking me up to the original plan which is 1650mm. Once I have all the framing complete then I will need to straighten all up so I can get the top on flat and securely and using this method I can true up easily with a plane.

      The top is going to be one piece to aid the strength and rigidity to the frame, just debating whether to go with 6mm or 9mm ply.

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